We offer a selection of tulips that originate from the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Persia, Turkey, the Caucasus, Far East and Himalayas. These tulips are now becoming very popular and many of them make excellent rockery flowers. Plant in a well drained position in full sun but protected from extreme Winter winds.
Showing all 6 results
Tulip Specie acuminata
£8.00Acuminata has long narrow petals in red and yellow that grow to 20 inches.
Tulip Specie bakeri Lilac Wonder AGM
£6.00 – £28.00Lilac Wonder has flowers of soft mauvy lilac and a large yellow centre. Grows to 6 inches.
Tulip Specie batalinii Bronze Charm
£6.50 – £36.00Bronze Charm has sulphur yellow flowers and has bronze feathering. Grows to 8 inches.
Tulip Specie humillis Albocaerulea
£5.50 – £25.00Very striking flowers of pure white with a steel blue base growing to 4 inches.
Tulip Specie Little Beauty AGM
£5.00 – £24.00Little Beauty has bold flowers of bright cerise pink with a purplish base.
Tulip Specie Little Princess AGM
£6.50 – £30.00Dainty flowers of 4 inches in terracotta orange that flower April to May.