Amaryllis belladonna AGM


Known as the Jersey Lily, these attractive autumn flowering bulbs have fantastic showy pale pink flowers.

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Amaryllis Belladonna has rosy pink fragrant flowers that flower on top of strong sturdy stems. Also known as the ‘JERSEY LILY’ this is a very popular variety. The flowers of Amaryllis Belladonna appear before the leaves and are quite a magnificent mass of colour. Prefers a warm aspect of the garden. Plant them in well drained soils that are ideally south facing.

AGM = Awarded a Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society for its easy to grow garden performance.

Cultivation instruction

Plant Indoors: Started off indoors from February on wards, although belladonna is hardy and can thus be planted direct into soils outside from March on wards.

Plant outside: From March on wards, when the soils are warming up and not waterlogged. Prepare soils by cultivating them to a depth of 25cms and digging in some well rotted humus matter and grit if soils are heavy. Plant the bulbs so that the tip of the bulb is just above the soil surface. Can also be grown in pots in the conservatory or greenhouse. Protect the lush leaves from any early frosts and remember to feed during the flowering and leaf stage with foods such as are well rotted manures, tomato feed and bone meal.

Care Tips:

Can be grown quite successfully in containers.

Ideal when planted with lilies. They grow very well with gladioli callianthus (acidanthera) and nanus types

Growing information

Flowering height: 30-36″ (75-90cms)

Flowering period: September-October

Soil type: Soils that are well drained and humus rich are ideal.

Aspect: In a sunny part of the garden that does not get too cold.

Scented: Yes

Planting distance: 20cm between plants

Planting depth: Tip of stem just showing above soil level.

Full growing instructions also provided


Additional information



Flowering time



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