Arisaema flavum has a lovely bright yellow spathe that is purple inside. Arisaemas are unusual plants and require a shady spot to establish. They require good drainage and plenty of leaf mulch. Arisaema flavum is widespread across north-eastern Africa and southern Asia.
Arisaemas are a large and diverse genus and the largest concentration of species is in China and Japan, with other species native to other parts of southern Asia as well as eastern and central Africa, Mexico and eastern North America. Arisaemas are also known as “jack in the pulpit”. Arisaema plants are typically male when small and female or hermaphroditic when large.
Tip: Arisaema flavum will work really well with Anemone nemerosa and blandas.
Care tips:
Protect from severe frosts over winter by giving a good layer of mulch.
Mark the position you plant them in as they can easily get lost.
Use bulb starter or root grow when first planting to establish for future years flowering.
Hardy in UK gardens.
Growing Information:
Flowering Height: 8-12″ (10-30cm)
Flowering period: July-August
Soil type: Humus rich soils that are free draining. Neutral to slightly acid preferred.
Aspect: Semi shaded woodland areas.
Scented: No significant scent.
Planting Depth: 10cms
Spacing: 10-15cms apart.
Full growing instructions provided.
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