Garlic Rose Wight


Garlic Rose Wight is a hardneck variety and has a pink skin, can be planted in containers or directly into the garden

SKU: garlic-carcassonne-wight-1 Categories: ,


Garlic Rose Wight is a hard neck variety and is just superb when used in the kitchen. You will receive a large bulb, split this into cloves and plant these individually. Each clove of Garlic Rose Wight should be planted upright, with the flat base down. Push each of the cloves into the soil to twice their own depth at intervals of 15cm. Garlic does not need much care just remove the flower head when it appears and of course keep the area weed free. Water regularly and add a little general purpose fertilizer in the autumn and a few times during the spring growth.

Nutritional values: An excellent source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). It is also a very good source of manganese, selenium and vitamin C. In addition, garlic is a good source of other minerals, including phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron and copper

Cultivation Instructions:

Sowing Indoors: N/A

Sow/Plant outdoors:  Cultivate soils to a depth of 15-20cms and rake the top surface to provide a fine crumb to plant the seeds into. Split the corms into cloves and plant outside from October to March. Before planting cultivate soils to a depth of 15cms, plant cloves 5-7cm deep and 15cm apart. They are ideal planted in rows or can also be planted in containers. Water in well and keep fed during the growing season.

Early spring sowings may benefit from being sown under cloches.

Do not plant if soils are waterlogged.

Care Tips:

Garlic prefer soils that are alkaline, in acid soils add lime and work in well before planting.

Water in well and keep fed during the growing season.

Early spring sowings may benefit from being sown under cloches.

Hardneck varieties develop a long flowering stem, which will eventually produce tiny bulbils at its top end. These should be cut from the plants in the early summer, as the production of bulbils can rob energy from the plant. Hardneck varieties are often better in colder gardens as they are more winter hardy. In general they will produce less cloves per head but these are deemed to be more flavour-some. They do not store quite as well as the soft neck varieties so growing both types will provide you with garlic for a longer period.

Growing Information:

Soil type: Free draining light soils that are humus rich.

Aspect: Full sun but also ok in partial shade.

Planting time: September to November or February to April

Position: Prefer open planting in vegetable beds or containers

Harvest: May to September dependent on planting period.

Additional information




Planting time


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