Gladioli Cut Flower Collection


A wonderful collection of 5 different gladioli – 10 bulbs of each.

SKU: COL/GL50 Categories: , ,


The flowers of this gladioli collection will brighten up the sunny areas of the garden. They are also well suited for growing in the larger containers. Gladioli are a very popular corm to be used for cut flower and this gladioli collection is just stunning in garden borders.

Grandiflorus Gladioli. Collection comprises 50 bulbs, 10 each of Wine and Roses, Nova Lux, Plum Tart, Peter Pears and White Prosperity.

Collection comprises 10 bulbs each of the following

  • Nova Lux (yellow)
  • Wine and Roses (pink)
  • Plum Tart (purple)
  • White Prosperity (white)
  • Peter Pears (orange/peach)

Cultivation instruction

Plant Indoors: They are at their best when grown outside.

Plant outside: They prefer a light well-drained soil. In heavy soils, just add grit and sand to lighten it up. Cultivate soils to a depth of 20cms and add some well rotted manure or granular fertiliser to the soil when cultivating. Plant them 10cms below the soil surface. Cover with soil and firm around bulbs to keep them in place. Leave to establish for a few years and protect from winter frosts by covering them in a couple of inches of mulch over winter. Can be left to naturalise for a number of years, regularly feed during the growing season with foods such as well rotted manures, Tomato feed and liquid seaweed for continued flowering.

For a longer season of flowers plant a few corms at regular intervals from March to April as this will give you a spread of flowering.

Care Tips:

For the best results ensure soils do not dry out in the first year whilst they are establishing.

Can be left to naturalise for a number of years.

Plant with summer flowering lilies and or Dahlias for a mass of colour in the summer.

Growing information

Height: 3-4 feet (90-120cm)

Flowering period: July-August

Soil type: Free draining soils that are humus rich.

Aspect: Full sun to semi shade

Fragrant: N/A

Planting distance: 10-15cms

Planting depth: 10cms.

Full growing instructions are also provided


Additional information


Flowering time



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