Tulip Double Early Foxtrot is among one of the most popular we sell in this group. The flowers of Foxtrot are a soft rose pink, darkening with age.
Cultivation instructions
Double early tulips such as Tulip Double Early Foxtrot are easy to grow in the garden or containers, the flowers are long lasting. Cultivate the soil well before planting to a depth of 20cms and plant bulbs as per the instructions below. Ensure soils are fertile and if you do need to feed them dig in some well rotted compost matter. Soils should be free draining so in heavier soils add grit or well rotted humus matter to help with drainage. Double early tulips work really well when planted in groups of 10 or more or muscari and early flowering daffodils.
They flower quite early in the spring around April and as they are short with sturdy stems they will easily withstand the windy areas of the garden. Often the flowers look more like peonies than tulips, but the colour range of these double early varieties will fit most colour schemes in the garden. They put on a really fantastic show when used in pots, tubs or containers and are also very suited for bedding schemes.
Care tips:
Tip: Keep tulips well fed during the growing season and remember to lift them at the end of the season. Only the big bulbs should be kept to flower for the following year. Ideal foods are well rotted manures, tomato feed and bone meal.
Tulips are often treated as annuals as flowering performance the following year is never as good.
Growing Information
Flowering Height: 40cm (16″)
Flowering Period: March-April
Soil type: Fertile, well drained soils that do not become excessively wet. Neutral to alkaline soils preferred.
Aspect: Happy in full sun but flowers will last longer in semi shaded areas.
Scented: N/A
Planting Depth: 10 -15cms
Spacing: 10cms apart.
Full growing instructions provided.
New season top quality bulbs dispatched from September on-wards
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