Tulip Double Late Violet Pranaa has violet flowers with outer green petals.
Cultivation instructions
Double late tulips such as Tulip Double Late Violet Pranaa have large double flowers, often commonly called Peony flowering tulips. Double late tulips flower taller and much later than their early counterparts and are very useful in borders of the garden. They can of course also be used in tubs, pots and containers and put to great effect if planted in groups of 10 or more. Cultivate the soil to a depth of 20cms before planting, plant bulbs 10cms deep (upto 15cms in light/sandy soils) Soils should be free draining so in heavier soils add grit or well rotted humus matter to help with drainage. It is traditional to plant tulips in October when the ground starts to cool down. If this is a concern do not worry if you plant them earlier or later as they will still grow well.
Care tips:
Tulips do benefit from using bulb starter when first planting and if you can loosen the soil to a depth of 20cms that would also be helpful to the root development.
Will work really well when planted with annuals, muscari and late daffodils.
Keep tulips well fed during the growing season and remember to lift them at the end of the season. Only the big bulbs should be kept to flower for the following year.
Tulips are often treated as annuals as flowering performance the following year is never as good.
Growing Information
Flowering Height: 25cm (10″)
Flowering Period: May
Soil type: Fertile, well drained soils that do not become excessively wet. Neutral to alkaline soils preferred.
Aspect: Happy in full sun but flowers will last longer in semi shaded areas.
Scented: N/A
Planting Depth: up to15cms
Spacing: 10-15cms apart.
Full growing instructions provided.
New season top quality bulbs dispatched from September on-wards
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