8 February, 2019 — Your gardening year

February jobs in the garden


  • Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and winter aconites once they have finished flowering.
  • Mulch borders providing bulbs with much needed food as they grow this spring.

Trees, shrubs and flowers

  • Sow hardy annuals in a greenhouse to get a head start.
  • Remove weeds and debris from borders and containers to keep them looking their best.
  • Containers with sodden compost should be overhauled to ensure better drainage, as these will freeze much easier than free draining ones.
  • Prune winter flowering jasmine.

Fruit, vegetables and herbs.

  • Fruit trees and bushes can be planted as long as soils are not frozen.
  • In heated greenhouses or propagators you can begin sowing tomatoes.
  • Sow such things as broad beans, Brussel sprouts, shallots and onions under cover. Early potatoes can also be chitted ready for planting out, but only do so in areas where you know it will not drop below freezing.

Our selection of potatoes is now available online here

Potato Duke of York

Garden wildlife.

  • Keep areas around bird feeders free of debris so as not to attract rodents.
  • Keep an eye on ponds and remove any unwanted rotting leaves, dead matter etc.