Paris thibetica


Thibetica is a lovely paris variety that is easy to grow and flowers around May.

SKU: P3070 Categories: ,


Paris thibetica produce lovely pointed leaves in a whorl, autum fruits are a bright red. Paris are not commonly available and not easy to grow from seeds, so the roots that we supply are ideal. Related to trilliums they also enjoy the shadier parts of the garden in soils that are humus rich and do not dry out. Once planted leave to establish for a number of years, Paris prefer the shadier parts of the garden.

Cultivation Instructions

Indoor Planting: N/A

Outdoor Planting: Paris will perform very well with early flowering perennials and are also popular with bees and butterflies. It will naturalise very well in most well drained soils. This variety will with stand some water logging of the soil. Cultivate soils to a depth of 20cms and plant rhizomes with the growing tip 5cms below the soil surface.

Feed with bone meal or similar during the flowering period to ensure they remain health for years to come. Plant in areas that are not exposed to the worst of the elements and in soils that have not been freshly manured. Regularly feed during the growing season with foods such as well rotted manures, Tomato feed and bone meal.

Care tips:

Related to trillium’s they also enjoy the shadier parts of the garden in soils that are humus rich and do not dry out.

Once planted leave to establish for a number of years,

Keep well fed during the growing season and if possible mulch borders with well rotted manure or compost over the winter.

Growing information

Flowering Height: 12-15″ (30-42cm)

Flowering period: April-May

Soil type: Free draining soils that are humus rich

Aspect: Shady areas of the garden although they will withstand sun if the soil does not dry out.

Scented: N/A

Planting Depth: Plant rhizomes so that the eye is 5cms below soil surface.

Spacing: 5-10ms apart.

Full growing instructions provided



Additional information


Flowering time



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